Stop Trying To Be Balanced!
Stop Trying To Be Balanced!
If you are an entrepreneur you have probably been accused of being “out of balance” (Whatever that means)
I submit to you that there's not necessarily anything wrong with an entrepreneur being out of balance…or anyone being out of balance for that matter.
If balance is a season it has to have an opposite season
What's the opposite season of balance?
The opposite season of balance is called focus.
When you are in focus you are out of balance
When you're in balance you're out of focus
And here is the catch…
Focus is essential to success in any area of life
So stop worrying about staying in balance, and instead choose to stay focused.
Then and only then will you truly find a season of balance that you then deserve.
Comment Below, “Season’s Of Focus”. ⬇️⬇️⬇️